Online Forms
To be considered for participation in the USP student exchange or inter-campus mobility programme, all applicants must complete this application form and submit it to the USP International Office. For full information about the programme, including eligibility and details of the application process, visit:
Please specify the programme to which you are applying
Preferred Host University: Please rank your top 3 choices, 1 being most preferred.
(Placements are not available to these universities)
Campuses open for placement
Please rank your top 3 choices, 1 being most preferred
List the names of two people who have agreed to act as referees. The referees should send their references directly to the International Office.
Students who participate in the student exchange programme are regarded as ambassadors for USP and for Fiji while studying overseas. Exchange students must be of good character. Please answer the following questions honestly.
Do you have any disability, impairment, long-term injury, chronic medical condition or special learning needs?
If so, please attach a statement about any equipment or support needs you may have. Please note that this information will not affect the outcome of your application but enables us to ensure that any special needs can be accommodated at your host university.
Health insurance is required for students accepted for USP Exchange. USP ensures that all students travelling on University business are covered by USP Insurance. USP will purchase overseas health insurance for all Exchange students at the host universities prior to their departure and provide with USP travel insurance to those traveling under intern-campus mobility programme.
I consent to: The disclosure of personal information I have provided on this form to staff within the University for the purpose of assessing my application. The Student Exchange Selection Committee or their nominees obtaining any personal information about me- including my academic record- which is required for the purpose of this application.
I agree to promptly notify the Student Exchange Selection Committee of any changes to the information provided on this application form. I declare that the information I have provided is true and correct, and I have not withheld any information that may have a bearing on this application.
USP Exchange Programme
Inter-Campus Mobility Programme
Note: incomplete application/information will not be considered.
Deadline for application: Thursday, 30th March 2023